The movement of goods across the border while protecting the EAEC to be only 15 trademarks of 5,7 thousand objects of intellectual property, -. ECE
Currently completed the internal procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Customs Code in 2018. On this day, 14 September, at the opening of the V International Forum "Antikontrafakt 2017" said the head of the secretariat of the members of the board of ECE for Economy and Financial Policy Askar Kishkembaev.
"July 19, 2016 came into force an agreement on coordination of actions to protect the rights of intellectual property, which will help to constructive cooperation of the authorized bodies EAEC engage in the fight to protect intellectual property. In the countries of the EAEC developed a number of design information and guidelines. Measures are taken for the removal from the civil circulation of counterfeit goods. As part of the monitoring commission became apparent divergence in administrative penal code EAEC countries, the difference in the powers of the customs authorities to protect the rights create conditions in the migration process of counterfeit goods in the customs territory of the EAEC, "- he said.
He said that the movement of goods through the customs border of the EAEC as of 2016 while protecting a subject 15 trademarks from 5 thousand. 690 objects of intellectual property included in the national customs registers.
"In this regard, the head 52 of the new version of the Customs Code of the EAEC provided to protect the rights of intellectual property measures, their inclusion in the national register of customs", - he said.