Press release on 13th Russia – EU Intellectual Property Dialogue Meeting

Press release on 13th Russia – EU Intellectual Property Dialogue Meeting

On November 22nd, 2013 the thirteenth meeting of the Russia-EU IP Dialogue took place in the Delegation of the European Union to Russia. Representatives of the European Commission DG Trade, Delegation of the European Union to Russia, Rospatent, Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, other federal executive authorities and business community took part in the meeting.

Both sides discussed the legislative initiatives and amendments to the Russian and the EU legislation in the IP field, in particular, amendments to Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, regulation of ISP liability and activity of collective management societies, IP regulation in the Customs Union and Common Economic Space between Russia, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan as well as data protection for agrochemicals and pesticides.

Within the discussion of the enforcement activities the Russian side presented the latest statistical information and information on measures taken in counteraction to infringing goods, including measures within the Customs Union. It was noted that the similar statistical data for the EU is consolidated once a year.

The Russian side informed on the state play with the preparations for the 2014 Sochi Olympic Games in respect of IP protection and enforcement. The EU side informed on the conducted research “Intellectual Property Rights Intensive Industries: contribution to Economic performance and Employment in the European Union” that quantify the overall contribution made by IP-intensive industries to the EU economy in terms of output, employment, wages and trade, taking into account the major IP rights (patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights and geographical indications).

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