Trademark registration in Russian

Logo, brand, trademark or mark are various names of the same intellectual property object, which is officially named a trademark.

A trademark is any word, name, symbol, or design, or any combination thereof, used in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from those of another and to indicate the source of the goods.

The exclusive right to a trademark only arises after its registration with the authorized government body. In Russia, the authorized government body is the Federal Services for Intellectual Property (Rospatent).

The Trademark registration is valid for 10 years since the date of filing application to the patent authorities. The term of registration can be prolonged each time for 10 years.

By your order, we will be pleased to provide all essential activities associated with trademark registration.

There is a list of relevant documents we need to file a new trademark application in Russia:

  • An applicant’s complete name and address;
  • A Trademark image (jpg);
  • A list of goods and services, for which the registration is claimed;
  • A certified copy of a priority document (if the convention priority is claimed);
  • A Power of Attorney; (Power of Attorney simply signed and sealed)
  • Official fee payment document.

As well, we will be pleased to assist you in addressing the following issues associated with the further use of trademark:

  • Trademark extension;
  • Registration of any changes in the name or address of the trademark holder;
  • Registration of a license agreement on the grant of trademark use rights;
  • Registration of an agreement on the trademark assignment.


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